Spanish in the Community - US Citizenship Preparation Course

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Spanish 4350, Spanish in the Community was developed as a service-learning course to promote and develop the relationship between the University of North Texas at Dallas and the surrounding Spanish-speaking community. Spanish 4350 promotes social justice by providing a pathway for UNT Dallas students studying Spanish to apply their communication skills in order to assist members of the Spanish-speaking community to achieve their educational, economic, and/or social aspirations. 

Spanish in the Community is a citizenship preparation course geared toward helping Spanish-speaking U.S. residents achieve their dream.

* All instruction and materials are free of charge for community participants.

For more information:

Benefits of Participation in the Citizenship Course

For UNT Dallas students

For Community Participants

When does the next Citizenship Course start?

  • Registration (Online):  February 04-18
  • Late Registration (Online): February 19-25
  • Technology and Digital Literacy Training Online: February 20, 2025, 5:30-6:50pm
  • Technology and Digital Literacy Training (In-person): February 20, 2025, 7:00-8:20pm
  • Orientation for In-Person Course: February 18, 2025, 7:00-8:20pm
  • Classes Begin (In-person and online): February 25, 7:00 pm-8:20pm
  • Days of class (In-person and online): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:20 pm
  • In-Person Location: UNT Dallas, Founders Hall #101
  • Address: 7400 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX, 75241
  • Online Location: TBD

Register Here


History of the Class

In the spring of 2017, Dr. Mara Queiroz Vaughn and Dr. Sheryl Santos-Hatchett piloted Spanish 4350, Spanish in the Community, as a service-learning program in partnership with Rey de los Santos, the Executive Director of the Dallas League of United Latin American Citizens National Education Service Center (LULAC – LNESC) at their Edgefield location.

The goal of the US Citizenship Course is to assist legal permanent residents (LPRs) in learning about the history, geography, culture, and government system of the United States to prepare for the citizenship exam administered by the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services). The class had a unique structure, with whole-class instruction led by UNT Dallas professors followed by breakout groups led by teams of UNT Dallas students from the Department of Language, Linguistics, and Rhetoric.

Due to the success of the pilot semester, the course was moved to the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNTD) in Fall 2017 to accommodate more participants. The course now enrolls over 200 students annually in this free U.S. Citizenship preparation program.

For the academic year 2024 - 2025, the course will be held in-person and online. In addition to citizenship preparation, community participants enrolled in the U.S. Citizenship Preparation Program are also granted legal advice, as well as educational opportunities to improve their English skills, to obtain a high school equivalency diploma, and to pursue a vocational career of their choice. As always, all services are gratuitous, provided by UNT Dallas or community partners.

Currently, the course counts with the support of the following partners:

The course continues to be held free of charge to aspiring LPR community members.


For more information, questions, or concerns, please contact us at the following: