Blazing Our Trail To The Future!

The University of North Texas at Dallas Trailblazer Elite (TBE) Program is designed to provide strategic support, leadership, and resources to acclimate first-generation college students to university life.
Our focus is to help students successfully navigate through college with strong support systems. Through mentoring, tailored programming and teambuilding, an ELITE scholar will receive the skills needed to be successful from admission to graduation.
If you are highly motivated and are looking for a community to help you succeed, Trailblazer Elite is the program for you.
“My mentor meets with me bimonthly. We discuss my academic progress and my track towards graduation. Even if it’s not academic related, my mentor provides me with the resources to solve whatever problem I have.”
Rocio Manriquez
“I am a full- time student who also works full-time, so I really don’t have a lot of free time. But my mentor helped guide me and made sure I was getting all the help and financial aid I could get. This program has done so many amazing things for me and continues to do so.”
Makayla DeLeon