Faculty and staff are able to request data related to their academic or administrative function within the university. The data requested should directly support operational decision-making, strategic planning, or compliance reporting.
Types of data requests
1. Operational decision-making
- Unit or program-level data necessary for day to day operations or to measure effectiveness of services and operations
2. Strategic planning
- Institution-level data used to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan, specifically in regard to student success measures, student outcomes, and cohort analysis
3. Compliance reporting
- Data used for external reporting to the THECB, SACSCOC, or other Academic programmatic accreditations. Compliance reporting also includes data needed for grant applications, grant reporting, requests from System and the Board of Regents
The data described above will only be provided to those individuals who require the data to fulfill their professional responsibilities within their official role at UNTD.
Academic Research Data Request
Institutional data requested for purposes of research will need to receive prior IRB approval. Research includes data collected for thesis/ dissertation work or any data that may be presented or published outside of UNTD. Data collected for research purposes is typically used to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. In contrast, data collected solely to inform program or institutional improvement would be considered under “operational decision-making” as described above.
All data requests must adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines to ensure the protection and confidentiality of student information.
Simple requests for common data typically take between 5-10 business days to complete. However, for new requests, more complex data sets, or during high traffic times, it may take up to 2 months for a request to be completed. The months January through March, June, September through November are especially busy, as there is a high volume of state and federal reports due.
In order to provide accurate and timely data to university stakeholders, SAR prioritizes their work in the following way:
1. State, federal, and accreditation reporting
2. Data requests needed for strategic planning and executive leadership decision-making
3. Data used for grant applications and reports
4. Data that supports unit/ program-level initiatives and assessment
External Stakeholder Requests
If you are an external stakeholder requesting public data under Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552), please submit a request to SAR@untdallas.edu for ‘student directory’ data and all other inquiries to UNT System office of general Counsel to submit a formal Pubic Information request.
Data Request Process
Before submitting a request, review available data and reports on the 'Data and Reports' section of our website to ensure the information is not already available.
Requests must be submitted through the online Data Request Form. Ensure all fields in the form are completed.
The typical turnaround time for data requests is 5-10 business days but can take longer depending on complexity and the number of other requests being processed. Once the request form has been received and assigned to a member of the SAR staff, you will be contacted to discuss your request and completion timeline.
Required Information to be included in data request form:
- Detailed purpose of the request (e.g., Accreditation, program evaluation, internal/external reporting).
- Supporting documents (e.g., accreditation standards, grant applications, research proposal), if applicable.
- Specific terms of data needed (e.g., Fall 2017, Spring 2018).
- Data elements required (e.g., enrollment headcount, student credit hours by level of degree, number of degrees awarded, demographics).
Please send an email to sar@untdallas.edu if you have trouble requesting information or have any questions.