What is a bachelor’s degree in History at UNT Dallas?
A history major prepares students for a variety of careers by teaching them to think critically, communicate effectively, and understand the past. Core courses are built around U.S. and world history. Students can choose from electives that focus on specific time periods or regions in the history of the Americas.
The research and writing students conduct in these courses provide excellent preparation for graduate work in all disciplines, including studies at the UNT Dallas College of Law. The teacher certification option is designed to prepare students to teach World, U.S., and Texas History courses in grades 7 through 12.
What marketable skills will I learn?
Critical Thinking: analyze and problem solve by drawing on historical knowledge.
Analytical Research and Writing: locate, evaluate, and employ evidence to support an argument in a high-quality written report.
Intercultural Competence: consider issues from multiple cultural perspectives.
Oral Communication: ask and answer complicated questions through oral presentations and discussion.

Why earn a History degree at UNT Dallas?
History majors discover how and why the world came to be the way it is today. At UNT Dallas, our small classes are taught by dedicated faculty members with Ph.D's in their fields. You will learn about the complexities, diversity, and commonalities of the human experience.
Developing a deep appreciation of who you are, where you come from, and how you are connected with others, will help you serve your community more effectively
What career opportunities are available with a History degree?
With its emphasis on the development of critical thinking, communication, research, and writing, a bachelor’s degree in history provides a solid foundation for students interested in attending graduate school in any field or pursuing careers in a variety of professions including:
- Law
- Education
- Business
- Journalism/PR
- Politics
- Museums/Libraries