At UNT Dallas College of Law, only full-time faculty members teach the critical first year legal writing courses. Writing assignments are incorporated into the College of Law’s curriculum in nearly all doctrinal and skills-based courses. In addition to select adjunct professors, the Legal Writing Faculty also teach advanced writing courses and serve as writing advisors for students who complete their major writing through an independent study.
Full-Time Legal Writing Professors and Staff
Teaching Fellows
Teaching Fellows are upper-level College of Law students, who did well in first-year legal writing and have applied to be a part of the College of Law’s elite Teaching Fellows Program. As Teaching Fellows, students take an advanced legal writing class in the fall semester to fine-tune their writing skills in a small classroom setting and to prepare them to assist first-year students as Teaching Fellows in the legal writing classroom in the spring semester. During the spring semester, Teaching Fellows hold office hours during which they are available to help first-year students with their legal writing assignments. At least one Teaching Fellow is assigned to each spring-semester first-year section of legal writing assists with running that section’s legal writing workshop. Teaching Fellows — while not a replacement for a student’s full-time and adjunct legal writing professors — are an excellent resource to assist students in becoming proficient legal writers.
Office Hours for Teaching Fellows
Teaching Fellows hold office hours in the Center for Writing Excellence, located on the third floor of the College of Law.