To publish a page or other file click the green Publish button while viewing the file.
If you don't have permission to publish pages, you may see the option to Submit for Approval instead.
The "Publish" box appears whenever you initiate a publish for files. It contains the following tabs and options:
Final check reviews your page or other file before publishing it. It checks the rendered version of your page: i.e., what the page looks like on the live website. This includes any reusable content used on the page. The checks are the same as those used for page check.
There is no way to undo a publish, or to stop a publish once it starts. However, if you published content that you don't want to be on your website yet, you can revert to the last published version of the file. The tutorial on saving and versioning content demonstrates how to revert a file.
You can schedule a page to publish at a later date. This can be useful for preparing content in advance of a specific date or deadline.
To schedule a file to publish, either:
Pages can only be scheduled on a page-by-page basis.
The "Schedule" tab has the following options:
Once a file is scheduled to publish, it has a calendar icon in Pages.
If a scheduled publish fails, you get a failure message either via email or your inbox. Omni CMS then attempts to publish the page two more times, at fifteen-minute intervals. If the publish still fails, the scheduled publish is removed and another message sent to you.
If you want to edit the file, you have to remove the scheduled publish, make your changes, and then reschedule it to publish. You also cannot immediately publish a file if it is scheduled. A scheduled publish can only be removed by the user who set it or a system admin. To remove a scheduled publish, either: