Join one of the 30 registered student organizations (RSO), or create your own, on campus. Student organizations provides students a complimentary experience to their academic work through community building and leadership training opportunities to define and cultivate personal and professional learning and development. Things students gain from getting involved with a student organization include: communication and presentation skills, personal and professional network of colleagues, and leadership experience with budgeting, leading a team, and event-planning.
Trailblazers get involved with Student Organizations!
If you don't know where to start, review our student organization directory OR email to schedule a meeting with our staff to get you started with a few options.
To register a new student organization OR complete the registration renewal process for existing organizations, student organization leaders must complete the process outlined below.
Being a registered student organization (RSO) at UNT Dallas means you have access to tools, resources, and benefits. RSOs and their members have access to flyer/poster printing, tabling supplies, financial assistance, marketing support, university facility and meeting space, events, incentives, awards, and more!
Student Involvement Office (SI&O)
The Student Involvement Office is a resource to students and student leaders for meeting space and event equipment. The space is located on the second floor of the Student Center, room 2100. Student organization leaders have access to mailboxes, printing, poster supplies, event/table signage, equipment checkout, meeting space, storage, and more.
Traveling with students for your organization or clas? Submit the travel form and the documents listed below.
*Required for student organization registration and renewal.